Why I am a Sound Healer
Lately I’ve been questioning everything in my life to discover MY own truth. Today I asked - “WHY am I really a Sound Healer? And the answers weren’t super clear to me at first…
I got mad at myself honestly. My answers were reasonably clear for acting or even singing, but Sound Healing? In my sad brain fog state (not a good mental health day) I wanted magnificent, elaborate magikal answers such as…
”I’m a Sound Healer because it completely changed my entire life in one session!”
“I’m a Sound Healer cause the first time I had a Sound Healing I shot off into space and it was just WOW”
But I’ve never had that. Honestly no one miraculous, ‘magikal’, big AH-HA moment led me to Sound Healing. What led me there was awe, beauty and a feeling of a little bit of magik when I first played a bowl and it’s resonance in the room had me spellbound.
What also led me to Sound Healing was hitting rock bottom; that led me to Spirituality and the inner path of healing. And although I still struggle (#human) I am in a much healthier state, both physically, mentally and spiritually because of it.
I used to ignore my bodies signals for rest, food or connection.
I ignored my mental patterns calling out for me to STOP and RELAX. And although I had a passion for health, it was only because of my own illness that this passion grew…
And although Sound Healing did not heal all my health issues it did:
-Help me to slow down, giving me the space, clarity and grounding in order to heal
-It helped me to become more conscious of my patterns/limiting beliefs
-It helped me to feel better, more calm, more peace
-It was a gateway into focusing on my healing
Most importantly it gave me a blueprint from which to begin working off to heal myself, which led me to seeking out the help of naturopaths, coaches and other healers as well, which helped me to get to where I am now! A LOT healthier than ever!
It wasn’t some out of body experience or mind-blowing radical instant thing.
It was a gentle whispering, like a soft breeze through the leaves over time and maybe that’s exactly what I needed…
And now that I am more Sound of mind and body 😉 I feel called to share my Voice much more than before! And as I share and work on my Voice I feel I am becoming more true to my essence, to who I am. And that is deeply empowering.
Through sharing my Voice I also witness that it empowers and heals others and this brings me great joy!
If you’re wondering what Sound can do for you, join me!
I’ll be starting group Sound Healings in the next week. Please message me for details.
I’m excited to see where the healing Sound Frequencies can take you…