Free your VOICE!

Hello beautiful one,

You might not know this about me but I've struggled with very bad anxiety since my teenage years. So debilitating that I couldn't speak in a group setting (ie parties, lunches etc) for longer than 5-10min before my Voice would get tired, clenched up and sore...So I would have to stop talking.

You can only imagine how alienating and frustrating that would have been for a young person, to feel like you want to be part of the community, but feeling your Voice holding you back from communicating with others. It also impacted my singing.

I went to study classical singing at the Conservatorium of Music in Newcastle, but my throat would clench up and tighten every-time I sang and spoke. I lost my joy for singing. I was also in an emotionally abusive relationship and not having the tools or confidence to speak up for myself, I stayed in that relationship which really impacted my mental health!

Eventually I quit uni and returned home and thankfully later ended that relationship, but it wasn’t for another 8 years before I learnt how to really free my Voice!

I got into an acting school in 2016, where I learnt to REALLY free my Voice. This led me to being more confident, speaking up and feeling less and less tension in my throat when I performed, spoke and sang, it was hugely liberating!

But the Voice journey is - a journey! I didn’t always keep up with my Vocal exercises over the years and so my Voice diminished…

It’s only recently that I’ve really re-committed myself to my Voice.

I know that the more strong, expanded, confident and free my Voice is the more strong, expanded, confident and free I AM in every part of my life.

I am still challenged by my Voice, I still get throat tension sometimes, I still doubt myself sometimes, I still feel fear when singing - which is THE sign that I need to return to the tools that set me free in the beginning.

The Voice/Body/Spirit is after all like a muscle and you will lose some strength, power and agility if you don’t use the gift regularly…but the gift always remains!

I believe that I was given this gift of challenge with my Voice to really learn how to liberate and free myself more and more as I journey through the different chapters of my life AND in doing so help others with similar struggles along the way!

That’s why as I share my journey and what tools has helped me, you heal and also find more liberation and I also continue to heal.

That's why I am so passionate about the Voice. I know what its like to feel stuck in your own self and I know what it’s like to feel more liberated, free and POWERFUL in your self-expression and Voice.

And I want that for every single person.

If you feel called to this work please join my “Free your Voice” workshop - I’ve only got one more left for October and possibly the year!

Date: Saturday 21st October

Time: 9am

Where: Queens Park - on the cricket oval, near the kids playground under a big tree.

First session is free ;) or donate what you feel like if you’re feeling generous!

I do my best to create a healing, safe space for you to express in and it’s definitely not a ‘performance’ vibe or a place to be judged. It’s a place to explore, expand and liberate yourself.  

To register click the link HERE to book
Check out the poset below for more details.

If you have any questions or concerns please email/call/txt me, I’m always open for a chat and to connect.

I hope to see you there!



Why I am a Sound Healer


Trust, Safety and Surrender