Trust, Safety and Surrender

I was born in South Africa. The place isn’t exactly known as the mecca for safety. Murder, rape, violence, theft, corruption, poverty, injustice…the list is quite extensive for my long gone homeland. It’s interesting, Gabor Mate, a renowned expert on trauma, addiction, stress and childhood development believes that mental and physical dis-ease stems from trauma. This trauma can happen before we are even able to speak. I believe that excessive, unrealistic and strong attachment to fear is a trauma response (inherited and self-developed) and certainly an emotional addiction.

I’d like to share with you the following story in the hope that you can gain insight and inspiration from it for your own life in relation to Trust, Safety and Surrender.

Lately I’ve been focusing on balancing and healing my Solar Plexus Chakra. The Chakras are a set of energy centres, referred to as ‘wheels’ in Sanskrit, located in and around the body that help to assimilate and disperse energy throughout the body. They are connected to our major organs, nerves and energetic body also effecting our emotions and physical well-being. The Solar Plexus Chakra (otherwise known as the Manipura) is our power centre, it is connected to our sense of self-worth and personal power. There is a great saying related to the Solar Plexus Chakra on safety:

“Give up being safe by giving up wanting everything assured ahead of time - In clinging to safety and security we remain energetically as children, powerless and wanting the world to be shaped for us”

We need to be willing to take risks and venture into the unknown if we want to develop our own personal power. While safety is important for survival and developing emotions, there is no challenge to our power if everything we do is already removed from any real risk.

For us to develop our personal power it is important to embrace 110% responsibility for our lives and to carve out our future by taking actions that will create the situations we desire.

In the week that I was focusing on balancing and healing my Solar Plexus chakra I was challenged on Trust, Safety and Surrender. If you follow me on Instagram you would have seen that I shared some snippets in my stories of the behind the scenes of a pretty crazy eventful week. Goddess was sending me signals left right and centre, that were so blatant I couldn’t ignore them! A series of events lead to a Divinely orchestrated encounter with someone who had been a great influence on my life as of late and we were able to make amends after a time of misunderstanding and disconnection.

This led me to needing to make a decision which involved a lot of trust, a ‘giving up’ of safety (in a way) and a boat load of surrender.

In our society we are conditioned to live in a state of perpetual fear. We dwell on our past that causes us fear, we worry about our future and that causes fear and often we don’t live in the present. We are surrounded by media ghouls that blast fear in our faces every day and companies (humans) have learnt to capitalize off of our collective fear in order to make money and control us (I don’t watch the news, I don’t follow any fear mongering IG pages and I’ve switched off all those annoying google ‘feed’ things - I would urge you to do the same for your own wellbeing and sanity…but I digress)

In moving to Australia my parents wanted a better life for us and I am 110% grateful that they made that decision, but the fear that inhabited my parents from their own experiences and that of growing up in South Africa has certainly stayed with them. Generational, societal fear (real and imagined) that I also inherited and am working through.

With all this fear mongering it’s no wonder we cling to ‘safety’ like a life-raft in a raging storm of “WHAT IF’S”. But in clinging to safety, do we really ever experience the fullness of LIFE and the power of our own existence? If we don’t take risks, we get comfortable, we won’t ever know what we are capable of. We disregard our values in favour of safety, we don’t stand up for what we believe in out of fear of rejection, punishment or failure. When we make Safety our number one value we give up Freedom.

Freedom to be challenged, to explore, to find new ways of being. To change. To transform. To learn. To grow. To expand.

In making my decision I had to give up being safe by giving up wanting everything assured ahead of time.

How many times have you decided to not take a risk for fear of the outcome? (and did you regret that decision?)

You chose comfort and familiarity for fear of the possible pain that could result if the worst case scenarios your mind played out were to occur - yet you didn’t focus on the pleasure, power and expansion that could ALSO occur if the best case scenario occurred! And even if pain was a part of that journey, pain is a great teacher! (Check out my post HERE on Pain being a great teacher).

In making my decision I also had to Trust and Surrender. I used to really struggle with the concept of trust, faith and surrender. I thought there must be some magikal formula for how to get to a place of trust and surrender. Lately I’ve discovered it’s just a choice in my mind. A choice to Trust. A choice to Surrender.

In making my decision I also tapped into my intuition, into my heart and sat in stillness to listen to the feeling. I placed fear to the side and decided to tune into the wisdom of my body.
I also relieved myself of my own will for my life (this one is KEY!).

In connecting to the Divine in a deeper way and trusting and surrendering more and more, I’ve realised that Goddess’s will for my life is much more wholesome, fulfilling and healing than any ideas I might have of how my life should look like.

So I surrendered the whole matter into the hands of the Divine. Let thy will be done.
That statement might make your skin crawl and as someone who used to be a Christian, it used to make my skin crawl! But more and more I’ve realised it’s Universal. To surrender to the Will of Spirit takes such a great WEIGHT off your shoulders. It’s no longer all up to you! You get to have the Supreme power of the Universe on your side, leading and guiding you. It relaxes the body and mind, it eases the Spirit.

To surrender to Divine Will to me seems to be the ultimate training tool for realising Personal Power, because in releasing your will - ie the outcomes you would like and affirming that Spirit is leading and guiding you and that you will follow the signs - guarantees that no matter what happens that you will be held, led and supported by the Divine. That whatever happens is FOR you, for your growth and expansion. If the outcome isn’t what you desired, Spirit probably has an even better outcome in mind and it will eventuate in the near future (Truuuuust!)

It also releases you of the fear that can often hold you back from taking a risk - it stops you clinging to safety - or at the very least makes it easier to take the risk.

If you’ve read this far I know you’re serious about transforming yourself and your life, so I challenge you this week to do one small or HUGE thing to challenge and grow your personal power.

It might be taking a small risk, or a big one - but in what way can you build your personal power this week?

It could be taking that class at gym that you’re afraid to, asking for a raise, speaking what you feel not what you aught to say (Shakespeare). It could be quitting your job to finally go on that road trip you really want to do. It could be starting that business you’ve been dreaming of. It could be picking up the guitar again.

Whatever it is, do it. And commit to it. And feel your personal power grow.

If you feel called to honour yourself through more support, guidance and healing using the power of Sound and transformational coaching, please contact me for a no obligations chat. I’m here to serve, guide and honour the wisdom and healing already within you.

In gratitude and surrender,



Free your VOICE!


Embrace your Weird🤪