I got pie in my face…

Do you sometimes feel just when you’ve got it all figured out life pulls the carpet from under your feet? It’s like everything’s going soooo well and then BAM - you get a big fat pie in your face out of left-field…

I must admit that Goddess works in mysterious ways (I see the Divine Source as Goddess - but you can add in whatever word here that suits you!)

For me she removes all that is NOT for my highest good, no matter how much I think it is - when I ask for her help.

I’ll share a story with you.

Recently I was in a stressful and heartbreaking situation where I did not know what to do. I prayed and asked for her guidance, I asked her to remove whatever was NOT for my HIGHEST good, as I didn’t feel strong enough to discern what that was for me in the moment…

The next day the situation had dissolved…

Off course that didn’t meant that somehow magikally all my problems were solved, it actually meant I had to face off with deep loss and some pretty big shadows and heartbreak from it ending. I actually experienced a lot MORE pain in the present moment.

BUT I can see that the painful path had an important lesson for me that I NEEDED to learn. One which I am still integrating.

I was also given the gift of another path instead of the one I was on and
I am choosing to trust (no matter how difficult it is) that this new path is for my HIGHEST good.

Initially however, the loss felt unfair, unbearable and that it didn’t make any sense at all (and at times it still feels this way!)

Can you relate to this? Loss can feel this way, you can feel like you’re drowning in the pain, but it’s not there to drown you, but to teach you how to SWIM.

For each of us it will be a different lesson or experience. It might not be about Goddess/God/Universe removing something from you for your highest good (that was just my personal experience) but whatever caused the pain, it holds a lesson, a gift to teach you something which if learnt and integrated - will empower you to become wiser, stronger and more capable than before.


The pain is a teacher, it is a gift. And that is how I am choosing to see it.

For me personally in the past I would wallow, for weeks, months, years! How someone did me wrong, or how unfair life is! It would take me AAAGES to get over the pain as I was stuck in a victim mindset.

Recently however, I decided that I didn’t want to be a slave to pain anymore.

I am now making a conscious CHOICE to utilise the pain - any pain - to create a stronger, more resilient and empowered me.

And yes it is hard. But so is being a victim. Having that mindset is really hard too, it sucks all the joy out of life. And at the end of that tunnel isn’t any light, it’s just more suffering. But if you choose to empower yourself with the pain, at the end of that tunnel - is LIGHT!

So that’s what I’m choosing, everyday - every moment, no matter how tough - to follow the light and I hope you do too!

However this doesn’t mean that you sweep the pain under the rug, or try to numb it with sugar, alcohol, drugs, sex (insert addiction here), but quite the opposite. You face it. You feel it. You allow it to wash over you, but instead of being a victim to the pain - you empower yourself with the pain. You choose to thank it for it’s teachings (with time and practice).

You ask “what are you here to teach me?” and you go inwards. Only you can do this. Only you can suck the marrow from the bone and use the pain to create an even richer, more beautiful life for yourself.

Also getting help, support and healing from a trusted Sound/Energy healer or therapist is the way to go!

Personally my pain is teaching me that personally I needed to toughen up a bit more and take 110% responsibility for everything in my life! (Apart from a host of other lessons that are my own personal journey).

So I began having 1 min cold showers daily, I began setting tasks for myself and making me stick to my word.

And when I say ‘toughen up’ I don’t mean you become hardened, isolated and mean. But rather that you become strong of will. That you strengthen your mind to be able to handle the stressors of life with more grace, more grounded energy, more TRUST.

So if you’re interested in doing one tough thing everyday to help build up your tolerance of how well you handle stress (cause the stress will keep coming - but its up to you how you handle it) - I’d love to invite you to join me in this challenge!

Take a 1 min cold shower first thing, every morning - rain, hail or shine.

Yes I know, I can hear you saying ‘NO WAY!’ but hear me out!

  • Cold showers have been proven to reduce stress levels - and as we know stress is a major cause of disease, depression, anxiety and generally not enjoying life!

  • Cold showers gives you a higher level of alertness - so you feel better and perform better throughout the day

  • It improves immunity - so you don’t get sick often!

  • It increases willpower - giving you a stronger mind - so you’re better able to handle stress and life’s ups and downs when they come

  • It aids weight loss!

So to me it’s a no brainer!

I’ve been doing it for 7 days now and I have to admit - it’s a mind game. In the first few days my mind was putting up a real fight, but today there was way less resistance and I can physically and mentally feel a major improvement compared to when I don’t have a cold shower.

So are you ready to do uncomfortable things, build up your best self and be the most empowered version of you that you KNOW you can be?

Sometimes we all need a kick up the bum to get ourselves in order - but don’t wait for that to happen. Take action now!

I’ll leave you with some powerful affirmations you can use during Sound Healing meditations, EFT (emotional freedom technique - otherwise known as ‘tapping) or to stick on your mirror with sticky notes and say to yourself whilst looking into your eyes every morning before or after that cold shower.

These affirmations will help you shift out of victim consciousness into
VICTOR consciousness.

You are the Creator of your life! You got this!
If I can do it, so can YOU!

Affirmations for Transforming Pain into Power

  • I choose to see all pain as a gift for transformation

  • I use heartbreak and anger to FUEL my growth

  • I use pain as a tool to challenge myself to DO HARD THINGS

  • The pain is an invitation to step into my greatness

  • Pain helps me face myself, see my shadows and heal them

  • Pain is a fu&*ng gift

  • When life whips my butt I say “Is that all you got”?!

  • I am not the victim of my life, I am the Creator of my life

  • My pain is jet fuel for this plane to take off (David Goggins)

  • This pain is a teacher and I’m learning and growing stronger

  • I will turn this pain into POWER and PLEASURE

  • I am strong

  • I am capable

  • I am fu*&ing awesome

Cue fun-time, empowered dancing in the kitchen to the song “Fighter” by Christina Aguilera or whatever else get’s you feeling EMPOWERED!

Here with you babe, in the cold and the warmth,


Ref: www.wimhofmethod.com/benefits-of-cold-showers


Embrace your Weird🤪


Is your Heart Open?