Is your Heart Open?

Hello beautiful soul

How is your heart feeling today?

I invite you to place a hand on your heart now

Close your eyes (after reading the following hah)

Take a deep breath…

Can you sense how she’s doing?



Maybe a bit blue

Perhaps heavy?

I’ve recently realised that I lead from the heart…in all aspects of my life. Which is wonderful and amazing and also scary as hell…

Leading from the heart is beautiful, freeing, expansive and elating, to me there is no other way to live


it also means heartache is inevitable.

Heartbreak a very real reality for us, even if we try to hide our hearts from life.

There’s romantic heartbreak, the heartbreak of losing someone you love, losing a job, an identity, dealing with change…

Our hearts are in a constant state of flux.

That is why it’s so so important to do the work of coming back to the heart, time and time again.

Healing the heart and slowly opening up to the magik of life again and again.

As the Tibetan-Buddhist Pema Chödrön says:

“They come together and they fall apart. Then they come together again and fall apart again. It's just like that. The healing comes from letting there be room for all of this to happen: room for grief, for relief, for misery, for joy.”

How do you make room for all of those emotions?

By allowing. By not suppressing. When you feel an emotion come up, instead of pushing it down, allow it to breath. Let it be felt, let it move you and let it flow through you.

Sure it’s a practice, it takes time to allow heavy feelings to be felt - but true healing comes from feeling and processing it all.

My favourite ways to process emotions is through:
-Music - listening with intent and allowing my mind to think, reflect, feel, and emote
-Sound Healing
-Journalling and writing poetry
-Sharing with others in a safe space

Have you tried these tools?

Which is your favourite?

If you are currently inviting more healing into your Heart or any area of your life and desire a kind, guiding hand with a great sense of humour please get in touch with me :)

I offer 1:1 Coaching, Sound Healing, Voice and Movement activations to help you heal, expand and thrive!

Let’s do the healing and Return to Soundness!

In loving kindness,



I got pie in my face…


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