Liminal Phase

I’ve been in a liminal phase for quite some time now. A transition between one version of myself to another. A step UP into a greater version of me. This hasn’t been an easy phase to be in! I mean what kind of transitionary phase is ‘easy’?

I’ve gone through many worm, cocoon, butterfly periods in my life, but I feel as though this is one of the biggest.

Whenever you’re going through a transitionary period in your life it’s leading you to a threshold, to two options which can lead you to where you really want to go! One option is the way of the ego…the other is the way of softening and letting go.

Let’s take a closer look…

Option A - Go it alone, try to figure everything out by yourself. This option can take a lot longer, often causing more difficulty and distress than what is needed. It also might mean you stay in this liminal phase for a lot longer, which can sap your energy and time, which you could be putting into your new, magikal phase of your life! It also means you could possibly stay in this liminal phase, or regress…

It’s akin to wearing a blindfold and trying to lead yourself through a forest you’ve never been in before and the sun is setting and it’s getting cold, and you hear scary wolves howling…you get the drift.

Option B - Heck you’re still in the liminal phase, the cocoon, but instead of going it alone blindfolded in the forest and peeing yourself in fear - you decide to call out for help! It’s the smartest option, but it often means putting your ego to the side and admitting that you actually do need help. This is a big, powerful step in an of itself!

You hear a gentle calm voice, a forest guide is here to take your hand and lead you through the forest, guiding your steps as you take them - leading you to the doorway of the next magikal phase of your life with more ease, love, support and tenderness.

I know which option I would choose now. And yes I’ve chosen and experienced both. And yes my ego has held me back with excuses such as;

  • I can do it alone! I need to do it alone in order to really learn the lessons - and therefore break many metaphorical bones I don’t need to and struggle more than is necessary and …fu&% did I even get through that transition period or am I still in there?

  • I can’t afford to get help right now - but spend money on coffee, expensive GF cakes and stuff I don’t ACTUALLY need which isn’t helping me move forward but has momentary gratification…

  • I don’t know if this coach can actually help me - so not giving any coach a go cause I have a flawed belief that I am actually perpetually stuck and a failure therefore I’ll never be able to get out of this phase which means I ACTUALLY REALLY NEED A COACH!

So whatever phase you are in and whatever your ego may be telling you, I’ve heard it before and I get it. But if you’re serious about making the changes you need to and getting the help you deserve so you can shake off the sh&*% that isn’t serving you and REALLY step up into the next phase of your magikal life then I’m your Queen! ;)

Take my hand and let’s do this!

Anzjuli x


Facing my Fear…